This project aims to investigate the characteristics of so-called anomalous, non-ordinary, or exceptional experiences in non-pathological mental conditions, e.g. spiritual, spontaneous out-of-body experiences, visions of disincarnate beings or deceased persons, premonitions, etc.
In particular, we are interested in the relationship of these experiences with the quality and the meaning of life.
Within this project, we are also involved in the Gruppo di Ricerca Italiano sulla Medianità.
Research papers:
Tressoldi, P. (2024). Testing mediumship and channeling sources of information: a review. Retrieved from
Tressoldi, P., Gallo, J., Liberale, L., Conte, N. L., Ricci, V., & Sinesio, F. (2024). Who answered the questions? Testing the source of the channeled information. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 24,1,39-72.
Wahbeh, H., Speirn, P., Pederzoli, L. & Tressoldi, P. (2023). Channelers’ Answers to Questions from Scientists: An Exploratory Study. Journal of Scientific Exploration, 37,3, 348-369.
Tressoldi, P., & Long, J. (2023). God’s characteristics as reported by near-death experiencers.
Tressoldi, P. & Woollacott, M. (2023). Who are we, and what is the nature of reality? Insights from scientists’ spiritually transformative experiences, Journal for the Study of Spirituality, DOI: 10.1080/20440243.2023.2188676
Tressoldi, P., Liberale, & Sinesio, F. (2022). Is there someone in the hereafter? Mediumship accuracy of 100 readings obtained with a triple level of blinding protocol. Omega-Journal of Death and Dying. DOI: 10.1177/00302228221146376
Tressoldi, P., & Pederzoli, L. (2022). What is it like to be in Out-of-Body? Phenomenal accounts of experiencers.
Tressoldi, P., Rock, A. J., Pederzoli, L., & Houran, J. (2022). The case for postmortem survival from the winners of the Bigelow institute for consciousness studies essay contest: A level of evidence analysis. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 22(1), 7-29
Tressoldi, P., Álvarez, A. A., Facchin, N., Frullanti, M., Liberale, L., Saad, M., Shiah, Y.-J., & Testoni, I. (2022). Shared Death Experiences: A Multicultural Survey. American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine®.
Tressoldi, P., Liberale, L., Sinesio, F., Bubba, Pederzoli, L. & Testoni, I. (2022). Mediumship accuracy: a quantitative and qualitative study with a triple-blind protocol. Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing 10.31234/
Pederzoli, L., Tressoldi, P. & Wahbeh, H. (2021). Channeling: A Non-pathological Possession and Dissociative Identity Experience or Something Else?. Cult Med Psychiatry.
Facco, E., Fracas, F., & Tressoldi, P. (2021). Moving beyond the concept of altered state of consciousness: The Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions (NOMEs). Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 8(3) 615-631.
Facco, E., Pederzoli, L., & Tressoldi, P. (2021). Non-Ordinary Mental Expressions (NOMEs): clues on the nature of the human mind.
Pederzoli, L., Prati, E., Resti, N., Del Carlo, D., & Tressoldi, P. (2020). Hypno-Channelings: A New Tool for the Investigation of Channeling Experiences. Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research,11, 5, 504-514.
Ballati, A., Prati, E., Pederzoli, L., & Tressoldi, P. (2020). Remote Viewing with and without controlled Out-Of-Body Consciousness. Advanced Research in Psychology; doi:10.46412/001c.14154
Sarraf, M., Woodley of Menie, M.A., Tressoldi, P. (2020). Anomalous information reception by mediums: A meta-analysis of the scientific evidence. Explore: The Journal of Science & Healing
Pederzoli, L., De Stefano, E., & Tressoldi, P. E. (2019). Hypno-Death-Experiences: death experiences during hypnotic regressions. Death Studies,
Facco, E., Casiglia, E., Khafaji, B. E. A., Finatti, F., Duma, G. M., Mento, G., … Tressoldi, P. (2019). Neurophenomenology of Out-of-Body experiences induced by hypnotic suggestions. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 67(1): 39–68. DOI:
Facco, E., Lucangeli, D., & Tressoldi, P. E. (2018). Dr. AM. A Rare Case of a Modern Mystic? Implications for Psychology and Medicine. Spirituality in Clinical Practice,
Tressoldi, P. E., Pederzoli, L., Caini, P., Ferrini, A., Melloni, S., Prati, E., ... & Trabucco, A. (2015). Hypnotically Induced Out-of-Body Experience: How Many Bodies Are There? Unexpected Discoveries About the Subtle Body and Psychic Body. SAGE Open, 5(4), 2158244015615919.
Tressoldi, P., Abbondanza, B., Gallo, J., Garofano, M., Liberale, L., Sinesio, F., & Stapel, J. (2024). Living in the afterlife: clues from direct experiencers. Retrieved from
Scala, V. F., Cozzi, G., Castiglioni, M. L., Finelli, M. E., Vitali, P., Liberale, L., … Tressoldi, P. (2024). Dreaming similar contents intentionally: an empirical evidence.PsyArXiv,
Tressoldi, P., Liberale, L., & Sinesio, F. (2024). Stage 2 Registered Report: Testing mediumship accuracy with a triple-blind protocol. Retrieved from
Tressoldi, P., Woollacott, M., & Fox, C. R. (2023). Information supporting the survival of human consciousness: an exploration of references reported in the winner essays of the Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies contest. PsyArXiv:
Tressoldi, P. (2022). Veridical Near-Death-Experiences: a systematic review. PsyArxiv,
Tressoldi, P., Liberale, L., & Sinesio, F. (2022). Mediumship information: retrieved from a repository or by an interaction with the deceased?.
Pederzoli, L. & Tressoldi, P. (2021). Is human consciousness eternal? Let's ask those in the hereafter to tell us. ResearchGate. Doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.18242.71362
Tressoldi, P., & Pederzoli, L. (2021). Out-of-Body Experience induced by hypnotic suggestion: phenomenology and perceptual characteristics.
Tressoldi, P., & Pederzoli, L. (2021). What is it like to be in Out-of-Body? Phenomenal accounts of experiencers. Doi:
Tressoldi PE, Sinesio F, Liberale L, and Testoni I. Stage 1 Registered Report: Testing mediumship accuracy with a triple-blind protocol [version 2; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research 2021, 10:351 (
Nicholls, G., Pederzoli, L., & Tressoldi, P. (2019). The phenomenology of spontaneous and hypnotically induced Out-of-Body Experiences: A comparison. MindRxiv:
De Foe, A., Al Khafaji, B.E., Pederzoli, L., Prati, E. and Tressoldi, P. E., Out-of-Body-Experiences: A Phenomenological Comparison of Different Causes (2017). Available at SSRN:
Pederzoli, L., Giroldini, W., Duma, G. M., Mento, G., Prati, E., & Tressoldi, P. E. (2017). Out-of-Body experience induced by hypnotic suggestions: an exploratory neurophenomenological study. SSRN Electronic Journal.
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